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Top 8 tips for e-retailers in China

The best ways to increase your online sales

The boom of e-commerce has fundamentally changed the buying habits of Chinese consumers. It is estimated that people in rural areas, very connected, should consume more than urban people in less than 10 years. To meet this demand, three of the most important players of online business – Alibaba, Suning and JD – have planned to build tens of thousands of outlets scattered across the country. It’s time for you to take advantage of this opportunity but promoting your products to China may be a long obstacle run and you will face many competitors. However, like Sun Tzu, we believe that “there are no impregnable fortresses, there are only bad attackers”. By following the 8 advices listed below, you will increase your chances to reach your goals:


1. Put an Instant Messaging Service on your website

Instant Messaging
Give your visitors the opportunity to dialogue directly with you. This feature, really popular in the Middle Kingdom, allows your potential customers to ask you any question regarding the availability of a product, the delivery time or about any other topic which is not sufficiently explicit on your website. This also usually removes doubts in the minds of Chinese consumers and allows you to appear as a brand close to its customers.


2. Turn your customers into your best ambassadors.

Encourage your existing purchasers to communicate around your brand and your products. In China, where social media are kings, a recommendation issued by a friend, or a family member, worths any marketing campaigns in the world. You can reward those whom play the game in different ways: offer them a discount on the next purchase, send them a free sample of a product, give them access to exclusive content…


3. Offer shipping costs.

On this point, Chinese people do not really differ from other consumers. Indeed, in China as elsewhere in the world, free delivery remains an important lever to increase your conversion rate and even the average cart of your customers. So, calculate any additional cost you might add and revise your prices if necessary. Keep in mind that the abandonment cart usually appears when shipping costs are added.


4. Let your customers express their feelings

Online Ratings
Allow your customers to publish their opinions about your products is an essential element in the buying process. Indeed, several studies have demonstrated the real impact of the presence of rates and detailed reviews. They showed that people were more likely to buy on a website endowed with this type of interaction.


5. Video, a useful marketing tool

Video Online
According to Invodo, purchase intentions are almost doubled after watching a video. Moreover, usually explicit and therefore more easily understood by users, videos which promote your products and services, or highlighting the strengths of your business, are easily shared on social networks.


6. Be Social

Medias Sociaux
Online commerce via social networks is one of the last great Chinese ecommerce trends. If a majority of Internet users continues to look for information on the products they wish to purchase on Tmall or Baidu, they are more and more people likely to purchase throughsocial networks.


7. Inspiring confidence

Online Payment
Being trusted by Chinese netizens takes time. This confidence is nevertheless essential for anyone whom wants to have its share of the enormous cake of the Chinese ecommerce. Your website must offer trusted means of secure payment. One of the most popular payment means in China is provided by Alipay Secure. Also, make sure to put the Alipay Secure logo prominently displayed on your web pages.


8. Offer discount coupon to your customers

Vouchers and flash promotions are powerful marketing tools. Brands can use them to promote the launch of a new product or for decrease the amount of unsold products in stock. Be sure to always clearly display your current promotions and to share them on social networks.


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